Trusses Used in QSRs and CSPs? What are They?
Originally published by: SBC Magazine— October 23, 2018
The article above was produced and published by the source linked to above, who is solely responsible for its content. G2 National is sharing this story content to raise awareness of information publicly available online and does not verify the accuracy of the author’s claims. As a consequence, G2 National cannot vouch for the validity of any facts, claims or opinions made in the article. |
From the Article: “Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) and Convenience Store Petroleum (CSPs) are not concepts that flow off the lips of members of the truss industry, yet it is a vibrant construction business that can easily be served by the truss community… A new entrant in this market is a company called G2 National, whose mission is to help solve the pain points that they have found this market to have…”
G2 National Op-Ed: G2 National believes an Architectural Prototype, intended to serve the entire United States, should have a structural framing system mate; G2 National’s QSR and CSP Systems.
Currently, changes in loading requirements by regions cause extreme changes to the structural framing system reeking havoc upon on-center spacing, truss depths, roof openings, framing details, and even the materials used.
G2 National has innovated wood-framed structural shells that can eliminate these budget and construction schedule demons.